NUKU TALK is a series of talk/ pop-up events.
Creators from different fields are invited to share and discuss their perception of coziness and warmth, having as core the Japanese word "Nukumori", which designates the perception of comfort in a psychological and physical way. How they understand the coziness notion and input it in their practice are placed at the center of the discussion. The talks are conceived as dialogues, between the speakers and the public, all gathered around one table, sharing warm food. The time and space shared together is a key element of the Nuku talks, since it is considered to procure the primary warmth of people. By organizing, archiving, and sharing the event's discussions, this project aims to accumulate points of view about coziness, giving us tools to reflect on it in our life and practice.
Started in 2021, Nuku Talk has been held in Tokyo, Helsinki, Awaji Island and Yokohama.
We are always looking for partners and participants.
Please contact NUKU TALK through email: nuku.talk(at)gmail.com or Instagram: @nuku.talk
ヌクトークにご興味がある方、協力, 参加したい方を募集しています。こちらのメールからご連絡ください: nuku.talk(at)gmail.com
もしくは、インタグラムから: @nuku.talk
Tokyo, 2021
Saho Yamanashi/ 山梨紗帆 (textile designer)
Taisuke Mizuno/ 水野泰輔 (architect)
Yuri Iwamoto/ 岩本悠里 (glass artist)
Japanese, English subtitles
Poster by Misa Asanuma
Helsinki, 2022
Helmi Liikanen/ ヘルミ・リーカネン
(textile designer)
Didi Ng/ ディディ・エンジ
Fanni Lyytikäinen/ ファンニ・ルーティカイネン
(stylist, creative)
English, Japanese subtitles
Poster by Helmi Liikanen & Elisa Defossez
Yokohama, 2023
Luna Ota/ 太田るな (artist)
Keiko Maeda/ 前田敬子 (fashion designer)
Makoto Miura/ 三浦信 (publisher)
Japanese, English subtitles
Poster by Joshua Marsh
Awaji Island, 2023
Part I guests: Yosuke & Taiko Okita from WORM stay, Tomohiro Ichimura
Part II guests: elements members
Yosuke Okita/ 置田陽介 (graphic designer)
Michio Yokoyama/ 横山道雄 (graphic designer)
Masahiko Inoue/ 井上雅彦 (architect)
Japanese, English subtitles
Poster by Masahiko Inoue, Yosuke Okita, Michio Yokoyama, Elisa Defossez